Sunday - May 07
Grand Hall
Chamber Concert 2: Linda Catlin Smith / Parkinson Saunders

Chamber Concert 2: Linda Catlin Smith / Parkinson Saunders
The second chamber concert of the weekend features works by Linda Catlin Smith and Parkinson Saunders.
Linda Catlin Smith Ricercar* (European Premiere)
Linda Catlin Smith Morandi+ (European Premiere)
James Saunders in which one thing depends on another
Tim Parkinson songs 2011
Alison McGillivray cello*
Tim Parkinson performer
James Saunders performer
Scottish cellist Alison McGillivray performs Catlin Smith’s work for solo Baroque Cello, described by the composer as “a melody in search of its harmony”, while the composer’s Morandi is named after the Italian painter whose still lifes “reveal a preoccupation with the same objects, in muted colours, painted over and over again”. As well as being composers in their own right, Tim
Parkinson and James Saunders regularly perform together employing lo-fi electronics, ordinary objects, toys, vocalisations and other natural sound sources, resulting in a table-top orchestra of possibilities.